In this article, we will explore key reasons of why your household electricity bill is so high and what to do.
The primary reason for high electricity bill is lack of continuous monitoring. Let's say you drive a vehicle, imagine you are driving without a speed-o-meter, what happens? Or say you have hypertension or diabetes, if you dont' monitor, what happens? Shocking, isn't it. Same applies here too.
When you know what's going on, you can definitely find a solution to it, but when you are not aware of what's going on, that's a bigger problem
Smart Energy monitors is becoming common to every household. Smart Plugs help you track usage of high watt appliances such as geysers, air conditioners and also limit their usage via a mobile app.
Explore energy monitors on amazon.inEven when energy monitors are installed in your home, it helps you only with a set of appliances. For entire household, smart plugs / energy monitors dont' come in handy. The authorities are working towards installing smart meters to all households, but it comes with a cost and time.
An alternative that's available right away and for free is our EB4cast mobile app.
All of the problems discussed in this article are addressed in this app. You will be happy to have discovered this app.
Small drops make big ocean. Even if you are aware of appliances and their consumption rates, sometimes unaware usage for longer hours could lead to a fatty bill. For e.g. a ceiling fan consumes 80 watts, and if you run it for 12 hours a day, it makes 0.96 kwh per day (approx. 1 kwh=1 unit)
So, for a billing cycle of 60 days, consumption by this one single fan is 60 units. If your total consumption 360 units, consumption by the fan is 16% approximately.
One of the key reason for high electricity bill is lack of knowledge - like, which appliances, consumes how much, what is the impact of it in your electricity bill. You can use our analyzer tool to find out where is your consumption high.
Tariff or rate card is the list of charges for your consumption. Lack of knowledge of tariff is also a key reason to high electricity bill. Unlike data plans for your smart phone, higher consumption is charged higher. Good thing is that, states like Tamil Nadu, Kerala and few others incentivize it's consumers to reduce their consumption, by following a slab based tariff.
For. e.g. Tamil Nadu tariff structure incentivizes it's consumers who consume less than 500 units a cycle. If the consumption crosses above 500 units, your bill goes up 50%.
Lack of routine maintenance and care done for your appliances. For example, if you take a ceiling fan, the core components are motor, coil, capacitor, ball bearings.
Over a period, dust accumulates making the ball bearing weaker; the blades accumulate dust and exert pressure on the motor and capacitor. This simple reason weakens the core components of the ceiling fan, which leads to increased power consumption.
Lack of maintenance of appliances leads to increased power consumption.
Another key reason is the age of your appliances. How old is your appliance? All large appliances have parts that fade out in quality. For example, air conditioner has coil in it, over period of 5 years of continuous usage, the coil starts developing pores and leaves way for gas to escape, which leads to air conditioner running for longer hours leading to increased power consumption.
Read the article on When & Why you should replace your old appliances.